

"You must have written this song for me!" After a Nina Mikaelsen concert, one from the audience comes up to the stage with wet cheeks and shares. Nina's stage presence is fun and welcoming. Whether she is styring puppets for a kids program or singing for the crown prince on national TV, Nina has the ability to concentrate her whole being in one place and deliver a message as if it is the most fragile and precious truths. This is the beauty of Ninas music.

Authentic, warm, challenging. The lyrics are not a mystery to solve. It tells a story straight from the authors heart. They are stories harvested from her every day life, carrying messages that pierce the heart of the listeners. The songs pause the bustling rhythms of life for a moment long enough to give listeners a chance to take a deep breath and reflect on the important questions in life and calibrate their hearts.

Ninas ambition to vocal performance has marked her life going back to when she was a tape-recorder-wielding-toddler.

In 2001, her voice was noticed by Swedish producer Wilbe and song writer Pieber. They went into a creative collaboration over the following years resulting in a digital EP and a YouTube debut under the name Nina Tesaker. In 2005, Nina suddenly and profoundly fell in love with Japan and moved to a little creative pearl of a town called Iwaki in Fukushima prefecture. Here she found her song-writing style inspired by situations and people she met as she helped to manage a creative cafe. She performed in many local gatherings- at cafes, pubs, live houses and many a living room. Ninas voice inspired concerts to be arranged beyond Fukushima, such as in Osaka, Tokyo, as well as in Europe.

On March 11, 2011 the news from Japan about the terrible tsunami disaster compelled Nina to join the charity concert "Gift to Japan" nationally broadcasted on a Norwegian TV channel. In the few months that followed, Nina yet again left her home country and joined the tsunami recovery efforts, lending a ear, serving coffee, and of course singing her heartfelt songs of encouragement to the survivors recovering from trauma. On Christmas-eve 2013, she appeared on a Japanese prime-time TV singing competition "Nodojiman-the-world" broadcasted nationally in Japan.


To finally answer the requests of her fans, Nina went into the studio in the summer of 2015.

The first track off the list, "I see you 君を見てるよ" was released in December 2015 which was followed by "As long as" and "Tokyo 東京" in March and April 2016. Ninas first official EP "Chances" is now being released this December 2016.

「歌」に対するニーナの情熱は、彼女が子どもの頃初めてテープレコーダーを手にした時に目覚めた。小学校の合唱隊に参加していた時には、先生にも秘密で、曲に新しい自作の節を付け足したりと、歌作りに対する興味を持ちつつも、いつかソロを歌う日を目標にして育った。 2001年、ニーナの声に興味を持ったスウェーデンのプロデューサーに声をかけられ、旧姓「Nina Tesaker」で、次々に曲がYoutubeなどにリリースされた。


2011年3月11日の東北大震災のニュースを聞いたニーナは、当時住んでいたオスロでのチャリティーコンサート「Gift to Japan」に参加、心のこもった一曲である「Angel 天使」がノルウェーで全国中継される。日本の友達や被災者に何かできることがないかと考え、数カ月後に震災ボランティアに参加。東北の冬を仮設住宅にて耐え忍んでいる被災者の方々を少しでも励ますために、被災者向けのカフェやコンサート活動をして一冬を過ごした。


ファンの期待に応えるかのように2015年夏、ニーナはスタジオで収録をし、12月には初シングル「I see you 君を見てるよ」をリリース。2016年春にはシングル「As long as」と「Tokyo 東京」をリリース。初ミニアルバム「Chances」は12月に発表され、日本では2017年春に発売予定。